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Writer's pictureNew Wave Fishing Academy

Women In Angling: Brooke Konigshaus

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

When New Wave Fishing Academy was started it was based around the mission of helping everyone become more successful anglers and especially those who do not have the family, friends, or easily accessible opportunities to push them into the sport. From our short time in operation trying to make accomplish this mission there has been a very clear population that has a hard time breaking into the industry. From critics online challenging their skills as anglers to talking down or belittling their accomplishments / questions there are a lot of unnecessary hurdles for women and young girls to get into the sport. While we know that these people setting up these hurdles do not represent the bulk of the members in the industry they unfortunately are often the loudest voice. To combat this we want to highlight some of the best ambassadors for "Women In Angling" that we know and share their stories for those that just need a little push to get into the sport or some role models to look towards!

This weeks feature is Brooke Konigshaus! We have followed Brooke on social media for a few years now and it is obvious the love for fishing & the outdoors she has!

lady angler trophy fishing woman beautiful fishing

"Hi, my name is Brooke. I’m 28 yrs old from the Niagara Region. This area has lots to offer, however, I prefer to dabble around Haliburton where I spent my summers fishing alongside my father as a child. I am so grateful for him getting my brother and I involved in hiking and fishing at a young age, as my passions have only grown since. I myself am trying to branch out to new species and waterbodies after fishing for many years in my own comfort, and am forever thankful to those who have taken the time to guide me or simply just be good company.

I ventured into Fish and Wildlife studies until my body decided it was best kept a hobby. I also worked at Bass Pro and let me tell you, I miss the discounts. More importantly I am grateful to have met many like-minded individuals with similar passions in the field. I am always looking to learn and improve, but most importantly I fish because I enjoy being on the water. There’s so much more to fishing than just simply catching a fish. Landing your PB’s is amazing, but floating and boating new shorelines and waterbodies is an adventure all in itself. It is relaxing, and exhilarating. I am no pro angler by any means, but I am always willing to take someone out who may need to have their fish taken off the hook, or line tied and unsnagged. If it gets someone out and enjoying the thrills of fishing, I’m here for it.

I have spent my summers in the Haliburton area since I was 3 yrs old and you can bet I had a rod in my hand every day. My favourite memories of fishing as a youngster would have to be collecting the earth worms before a trip with my father and brother. Hosing down the yard and waiting until nightfall to creep out with our flashlights to collect them, I honestly never thought playing with a ball of worms would bring me so much joy. While I enjoy catching all fish nothing compared to boating my first musky! My dad helped me reel in my first 3 (all in one summer) at the age of 9. That’s when I started to out fish the poor guy, and to this day I still scream for joy when I land a good fish.

Dad was always a 6 am, coffee on the lake kind of guy. I followed suit until a couple years ago when I realized I enjoy sleeping in and drinking coffee on the dock. Luckily, the fish still bite for me later in the day. He’s up for sunrise but I'll take the sunset. There is nothing like being on the water watching the sunset and getting on the night bite. Smallmouth bass crushing top water baits, especially in a kayak, is something I can't get enough of.

I swear if I had all the money in the world I’d spend every day fishing and learning the sport better, as I am forever still learning. Personally, I’ve never used any technology other than a depth finder. While there are a ton of gizmo's and gadgets out there, I still go out on “luck” unless accompanying someone who’s a little more equipped. You don’t need all the high price items to have a good time casting a line. I started with a pink barbie rod in my pool, and have fooled around with a stick and some string. Been there, caught on that.

Fishing is a thrill most people miss out on because they think they need to know more than they do. Especially being a woman in the sport, men can often times see you as a hassle more than a benefit, or not take you seriously. Unless you’re lucky of course. I cannot wait to take my nephew fishing, and perhaps children of my own someday. But in reality, read your local regulations and don’t fish species out of season . Enjoy, but respect nature while doing so. Conservation is key!

That being said, everyone learns fishing from someone, somewhere. If you were lucky enough to have a family member or friend teach you that is great but if not don't worry! There are a lot of great resources out there to help you get started (Self teach with YouTube, be sure to check out New Wave Fishing Academy beginner courses!).

Like I said, I’m no fishing pro, but I enjoy it all the same. I will never pass up an opportunity to fish, even if all we’re catching is pan fish. I cannot wait to cross more specifies off the list and add to my PB’s. Fishing is a great hobby to invest in due to its flexibility and I'm sure there is a species & method that is a great fit for you. The right company is everything, even if that means a solo outing (my dog is my best fishing buddy).

Long story, short..

it’s not just for the fella’s or the pros."

We would like to thank Brooke for taking the time to prepare this feature to share with you all! While it is easy to get caught up in the need to impress or be successful in this sport hearing from Brooke has been a great reminder to not forget the most important part; fishing is supposed to be fun! If you're not having fun try changing something up or taking a bit of pressure off yourself by enjoying the sunsets, panfish, and a great cup of coffee. To connect with Brooke you can give her a follow on instagram @babblingbrookeoutdoors or @brookekon_

If you know somebody who is a great ambassador for Women In Angling (Or the outdoors) that deserves to be recognized and would be willing to create a post please reach out to us on any of our social media platforms so we can get in touch with them.

If you or someone you know is looking to get into fishing or you just want to become a more successful angler be sure to check out our "Zero To Hero Fishing Masterclass" for courses on everything fishing! The masterclass is built to help you learn how to find and catch fish like the pro's by providing all the information you need and a clear development path! Don't miss out check it out now at

Have you ever wondered why lures don't come with instructions and wanted to know how to fish them? Look no further than our "How To Fish" series where you will learn what each bait is, how to use it, when and where it excels over other baits, our preferred setup to use it on, and the common mistakes anglers make when using it.


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